Centennial Events
Gene Gutchë Performance Incentive Fund
The Schubert Club launches grant program
The Schubert Club and the Gene Gutchë Estate announce a new grant opportunity founded to encourage and support public performances and recordings of the music of Gene Gutchë. Proposals may be submitted by performing ensembles and presenting institutions, or by individual performers. Click the link below for complete guidelines.
Download guidelines and application here:
The Gene Gutchë Birthday Bash! (September 17, 2007)
Monday, September 17, 2007
7:00 PM (pre-concert talk at 6:45)
Ultan Recital Hall, in Ferguson Hall
University of Minnesota
FREE CONCERT and dessert reception!
Come celebrate the life and work of Minnesota composer
Gene Gutchë (1907-2000) in a free concert commemorating his centenary.
Best known for his orchestral repertoire, Gene Gutchë's award-winning catalog also includes vivid, yet little-known, chamber music. Discover it with us as it is presented by some of the best musicians in the Twin Cities:
Deborah Serafini and Pamela Arnstein, violin
Thomas Turner, viola
Mina Fisher, cello
Carrie Shaw, soprano
Ruth Palmer, piano
Deviated Septet
Tim OBrien, musicologist
...with Minnesota Public Radios MICHAEL BARONE, host
Musicologist Tim OBrien will offer a brief glimpse into the concert music scene of the 1950s-60s in a pre-concert talk at 6:45 P.M., and the concert program will start at 7:00 P.M., both in Ultan Recital Hall. Minnesota Public Radio's Michael Barone, a friend of the late composer, will be master of ceremonies, recounting firsthand the character of the reclusive and independently-minded composer.
Chamber musicians will be especially interested in The Schubert Clubs new grant opportunity which will be announced at the concert.
A special dessert reception follows in the nearby Elmer L. Andersen Library, where the audience will be among the first to peruse the new exhibit devoted to Gutchës life and work. The exhibit runs Sept 10-Nov 2.
On the program:
Lullaby, for soprano and piano (1963)
Alleluia, Op. 33, for chorus (1961)
Theme and Variations for Piano, Op. 6, No. 2 (1949)
Fourth String Quartet, Op. 29, No. 1 (1960, rev. 1982)
Birthday hats are optional, but encouraged!
Read more about this event at http://www.schubert.org/concerts/other.html
Monday, September 17, 2007
7:00 PM (pre-concert talk at 6:45)
Ultan Recital Hall, in Ferguson Hall (2106 Fourth St. S, Minneapolis)
University of Minnesota
Dessert reception follows, sponsored by the Friends of the University of Minnesota Libraries.
For more information on this event, please contact Abbie Betinis at abetinis@schubert.org
The Schubert Club · 302 Landmark Center · 75 West Fifth Street · Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
phone: 651-292-3267 · fax: 651-292-4317 · email: schubert@schubert.org
Minnesota Public Radio feature
Gene Gutchë: He did it his way
Minnesota Public Radio
This feature by Minnesota Public Radio host Michael Barone links to sample audio and interview clips, and details Gutchë's programmatic orchestral suite, "Icarus."
Listen here:
University of Minnesota Libraries Exhibit (Sept 10 - Nov 30, 2007)
Gene Gutchë: A Centennial Celebration of a Composer's Birth
Elmer L. Andersen Library Gallery
An exhibit highlighting the work of acclaimed composer and Minnesota native Gene Gutche, including original scores, photographs, letters, and other materials from the Performing Arts Archives at the Libraries. Free and open to the public.
More details here.
Sapphire Chamber Consort (May 18 & 20, 2007)
This newly-created presenting organization for classical chamber music has programmed two vocal solo pieces by Gutchë on their upcoming concerts. Mezzo-soprano KrisAnne Weiss will sing the powerful "Benediction" with organist Stephen Self. Soprano Carrie Shaw will sing Gutchë's eerie "Lullaby."
Friday, May 18, 2007 - 7:00 pm
First English Lutheran Church (website)
440 Garfield Street
Wisconsin Rapids, WI
Admission: $20
Sunday, May 20, 2007 - 2:30 pm
Grace University Lutheran Church (website)
324 Harvard Street SE
Minneapolis, MN
Admission: Free will donation
For more information, visit